Section 139d

The olivet Discourse - Coming of the Son of Man

The Mount of Olives

Matthew 24:29-31Mark 13:24-27Luke 21:25-27
29“But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 24“But in those days, after that time of tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. 25The stars of heaven will be falling, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken. 25“There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and on the earth there will be distress among the nations as they are perplexed by the roaring sea and the surging waves. 26People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
30Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather together his chosen from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. 26Then people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27And he will send his angels and gather together his chosen from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. 27Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.


Mount of Olives

The mountainous ridge called the Mount of Olives stretches totay from the Hebrew University Mount Scopus campus in the north to the Jewish cemetery and beyond, to the village of Silwan in the south. Between these two ends of the mountain are the olive trees from which the mountain takes its name. The area at the bottom of the mountain would have been the place for the olive gardens and an olive press, “Gat shemen” in Hebrew, from which the name “Gethsemane” comes.

The gospels record on more than one occasion Jesus’ sorrow for Jerusalem as he made his way down the slopes of the Mount of Olives. It was a path he would have known from childhood from His many visits to Jerusalem.

Down the road from Bethphage He came riding on a donkey colt with palm branches symbolic of Judaea strewn along the way. “Hosanna!” (“save now!”) was the cry upon the lips of the people (Matthew 21:1-9). This prayer from Psalm 118:25 was a request for salvation. Yet Jesus knew that these cries would be changed within a week to “Crucify him!” He wept again for Jerusalem, for He knew what would befall the people in less than one generation as the city would be besieged and taken.



The Mount of Olives


Matthew 24,29 | Mark 13,25

Isaiah 13:10; 34:4; Ezekiel 32:7; Joel 2:10+31; 3:15

Matthew 24,30 | Mark 13,26 | Luke 21,27

Daniel 7:13

Matthew 24,31

Isaiah 27:13


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