53 |
Twelve apostles chosen |
3:13-19 |
6:12-16 |
54a |
Setting of the sermon |
5:1-2 |
6:17-19 |
54b |
Blessings of those who inherit the kingdom and woes to those who do not |
5:3-12 |
6:20-26 |
54c |
Responsibility while awaiting the kingdom |
5:13-16 |
54d |
Law, rigtheousness and the kingdom |
5:17-20 |
54e |
Six contrasts in interpreting the law |
5:21-48 |
6:27-30, 32-36 |
54f |
Three hypocritical |
6:1-18 |
54g |
Three prohibitions against avarice, harsh judgment, and unwise exposure of sacred things |
6:19-7:6 |
6:37-42 |
54h |
Application and condusion |
7:7-27 |
6:31, 43-49 |
54i |
Reaction of the crowds |
7:28-8:1 |
55 |
A centurion's faith and the healing of his servant |
8:5-13 |
7:1-10 |
56 |
A widow's son raised at Nain |
7:11-17 |
57 |
John the Baptist's relationship to the kingdom |
11:2-19 |
7:18-35 |
58 |
Woes upon Korazin and Bethsaida for failure to repent |
11:20-30 |
59 |
Christ's feet anointed by a sinful but contrite woman |
7:36-50 |
60 |
A tour with the Twelve and other followers |
8:1-3 |
61 |
Blasphemous accusation by the teachers of the law and Pharisees |
12:22-37 |
3:20-30 |
62 |
Request for a sign refused |
12:38-45 |
63 |
Announcement of new spiritual kinship |
12:46-50 |
3:31-35 |
8:19-21 |
64a |
The setting of the parables |
13:1-3a |
4:1-2 |
8:4 |
64b |
The parable of the soils |
13:3b-23 |
4:3-25 |
8:5-18 |
64c |
The parable of the seed's spontaneous growth |
4:26-29 |
64d |
The parable of the weeds |
13:24-30 |
64e |
The parable of the mustard tree |
13:31-32 |
4:30-32 |
64f |
The parable of the leavened loaf |
13:33-35 |
4:33-34 |
64g |
The parable of the weeds explained |
13:36-43 |
64h |
The parable of the hidden treasure |
13:44 |
64i |
The parable of the valuable pearl |
13:45-46 |
64j |
The parable of the net |
13:47-50 |
64k |
The parable of the house owner |
13:51-53 |
65 |
Crossing the lake and calming the storm |
8:18, 23-27 |
4:35-41 |
8:22-25 |
66 |
Healing the Gerasene demoniacs and resultant opposition |
8:28-34 |
5:1-20 |
8:26-39 |
67 |
Return to Galilee, healing of woman who touched Jesus' garment, and raising of Jairus's daughter |
9:18-26 |
5:21-43 |
8:40-56 |
68 |
Three miracles of healing and another blasphemous accusation |
9:27-34 |
69 |
Final visit to unbelieving Nazareth |
13:54-58 |
6:1-6a |
70a |
Shortage of workers |
9:35-38 |
6:6b |
70b |
Commissioning of the Twelve |
10:1-42 |
6:7-11 |
9:1-5 |
70c |
Workers sent out |
11:1 |
6:12-13 |
9:6 |
71a |
Antipas's mistaken identification of Jesus |
14:1-2 |
6:14-16 |
9:7-9 |
71b |
Earlier imprisonment and beheading of John the Baptist |
14:3-12 |
6:17-29 |
72a |
Return of the workers |
6:30 |
9:10a |
72b |
Withdrawal from Galilee |
14:13-14 |
6:31-34 |
9:10b-11 |
6:1-3 |
72c |
Feeding the five thousand |
14:15-21 |
6:35-44 |
9:12-17 |
6:4-13 |
73 |
A premature attempt to make Jesus king blocked |
14:22-23 |
6:45-46 |
6:14-15 |
74 |
Walking on the water during a storm on the lake |
14:24-33 |
6:47-52 |
6:16-21 |
75 |
Healings at Gennesaret |
14:34-36 |
6:53-56 |
76a |
Discourse on the true bread of life |
6:22-59 |
76b |
Defection among the disciples |
6:60-71 |
77 |
Conflict over the tradition of ceremonial uncleanness |
15:1-3a, 7-9, 3b-6, 10-20 |
7:1-15, 17-23 |
7:1 |
78 |
Ministry to a believing Greek woman in Tyre and Sidon |
15:21-28 |
7:24-30 |
79a |
Healings in Decapolis |
15:29-31 |
7:31-37 |
79b |
Feeding the four thousand in Decapolis |
15:32-38 |
8:1-9a |
80 |
Return to Galilee and encounter with the Pharisees and Sadducees |
15:39-16:4 |
8:9b-12 |
81a |
Warning about the error of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians |
16:5-12 |
8:13-21 |
81b |
Healing a blind man at Bethsaida |
8:22-26 |
82 |
Peter's identification of Jesus as the Christ and first prophecy of the church |
16:13-20 |
8:27-30 |
9:18-21 |
83 |
First direct prediction of the rejection, crucifixion, and resurrection |
16:21-26 |
8:31-37 |
9:22-25 |
84 |
Coming of the Son of Man and judgment |
16:27-28 |
8:38-9:1 |
9:26-27 |
85 |
Transfiguration of Jesus |
17:1-8 |
9:2-8 |
9:28-36a |
86 |
Discussion of resurrection, Elijah, and John the Baptist |
17:9-13 |
9:9-13 |
9:36b |
87 |
Healing of demoniac boy and unbelief rebuked |
17:14-20 |
9:14-29 |
9:37-43a |
88 |
Second prediction of Jesus' death end resurrection |
17:22-23 |
9:30-32 |
9:43b-45 |
89 |
Payment of the temple tax |
17:24-27 |
90 |
Rivalry over greatness in the kingdom |
18:1-5 |
9:33-37 |
9:46-48 |
91 |
Warning against causing believers to sin |
18:6-14 |
9:38-50 |
9:49-50 |
92 |
Treatment and forgiveness of a sinning brother |
18:15-35 |
93 |
Complete commitment required of followers |
8:19-22 |
9:57-62 |
94 |
Ridicule by Jesus' half-brothers |
7:2-9 |
95 |
Journey through Samaria |
9:51-56 |
7:10 |
96a |
Mixed reaction to Jesus' teaching and miracles |
7:11-31 |
96b |
Frustrated attempt to arrest Jesus |
7:32-52 |
97 |
Jesus' forgiveness of a woman caught in adultery |
7:53-8:11 |
98 |
Conflict over Jesus' claim to be the light of the world |
8:12-20 |
99a |
Jesus' relationship to God the Father |
8:21-30 |
99b |
Jesus' relationship to Abraham, and attempted stoning |
8:31-59 |
100a |
Healing of a man born blind |
9:1-7 |
100b |
Response of the blind man's neighbors |
9:8-12 |
100c |
Examination and excommunication of the blind man by the Pharisees |
9:13-34 |
100d |
Jesus' identification of himself to the blind man |
9:35-38 |
100e |
Spiritual blindness of the Pharisees |
9:39-41 |
101a |
Allegory of the good shepherd and the thief |
10:1-18 |
101b |
Further division among the Jews |
10:19-21 |
102a |
Commissioning of the seventy |
10:1-16 |
102b |
Return of the seventy |
10:17-24 |
103 |
Story of the good Samaritan |
10:25-37 |
104 |
Jesus' visit with Mary and Martha |
10:38-42 |
105 |
Lesson on how to pray and parable of the bold friend |
11:1-13 |
106 |
A third blasphemous accusation and a second debate |
11:14-36 |
107 |
Woes to the Pharisees and the teachers of the law while eating with a Pharisee |
11:37-54 |
108a |
Warning the disciples about hypocrisy |
12:1-12 |
108b |
Warning about greed and trust in wealth |
12:13-34 |
108c |
Warning against being unprepared for the Son of Man's coming |
12:35-48 |
108d |
Warning about the coming division |
12:49-53 |
108e |
Warning against failing to discern the present time |
12:54-59 |
109 |
Two alternatives: repent or perish |
13:1-9 |
110 |
Opposition from a synagogue ruler for healing a woman on the Sabbath |
13:10-21 |
111 |
Another attempt to stone or arrest Jesus for blasphemy at the Feast of Dedication |
10:22-39 |
112 |
From Jerusalem to Perea |
10:40-42 |
113a |
Question about salvation and entering the kingdom |
13:22-30 |
113b |
Anticipation of Jesus' coming death and his sorrow over Jerusalem |
13:31-35 |
114 |
Healing of a man with dropsy while eating with a prominent Pharisee on the Sabbath, and three parables suggested by the occasion |
14:1-24 |
115 |
Cost of discipleship |
14:25-35 |
116 |
Parables in defense of association with sinners |
15:1-32 |
117a |
Parable to teach the proper use of money |
16:1-13 |
117b |
Story to teach the danger of wealth |
16:14-31 |
117c |
Four lessons on discipleship |
17:1-10 |
118a |
Sickness and death of Lazarus |
11:1-16 |
118b |
Lazarus raised from the dead |
11:17-44 |
119 |
Decision of the Sanhedrin to put Jesus to death |
11:45-54 |
120a |
Healing of ten lepers while passing through Samaria and Galilee |
17:11-21 |
120b |
Instructions regarding the Son of Man's coming |
17:22-37 |
121 |
Two parables on prayer: the persistent widow, and the Pharisee and the tax collector |
18:1-14 |
122 |
Conflict with Pharisaic teaching on divorce |
19:1-12 |
10:1-12 |
123 |
Example of little children in relation to the kingdom |
19:13-15 |
10:13-16 |
18:15-17 |
124a |
Riches and the kingdom |
19:16-30 |
10:17-31 |
18:18-30 |
124b |
Parable of the landowner's sovereignty |
20:1-16 |
125a |
Third prediction of Jesus' death and resurrection |
20:17-19 |
10:32-34 |
18:31-34 |
125b |
Warning against ambitious pride |
20:20-28 |
10:35-45 |
126 |
Healing of blind Bartimaeus and his companion |
20:29-34 |
10:46-52 |
18:35-43 |
127a |
Salvation of Zaccheus |
19:1-10 |
127b |
Parable to teach responsibility while the kingdom is delayed |
19:11-28 |
128a |
Arrival at Bethany |
11:55-12:1, 9-11 |
128b |
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem |
21:1-3, 6-7, 4-5, 8-11, 14-17 |
11:1-11 |
19:29-44 |
12:12-19 |
129a |
Cursing of the fig tree having leaves but no figs |
21:18-19a |
11:12-14 |
129b |
Second cleansing of the temple |
21:12-13 |
11:15-18 |
19:45-48 |
130a |
Request of some Greeks to see Jesus and necessity of the Son of Man's being lifted up |
12:20-36a |
130b |
Different responses to Jesus and Jesus' response to the crowds |
12:36b-50 |
131 |
Withered fig tree and the lesson on faith |
21:19b-22 |
11:19-26 |
132a |
Questioning of Jesus' authority by the chief priests, teachers o the law, and elders |
21:23-27 |
11:27-33 |
20:1-8 |
132b |
Jesus' response with his own question and three parables |
21:28-22:14 |
12:1-12 |
20:9-19 |
133 |
Attempts by Pharisees and Herodians to trap Jesus with a question about paying taxes to Caesar |
22:15-22 |
12:13-17 |
20:20-26 |
134 |
Sadducees' puzzling question about the resurrection |
22:23-33 |
12:18-27 |
20:27-40 |
135 |
A Pharisee's legal question |
22:34-40 |
12:28-34 |
136 |
Christ's relationship to David as son and Lord |
22:41-46 |
12:35-37 |
20:41-44 |
137a |
Seven woes against the teachers of the law and Pharisees |
23:1-36 |
12:38-40 |
20:45-47 |
137b |
Jesus' sorrow over Jerusalem |
23:37-39 |
138 |
A poor widow's gift of all she had |
12:41-44 |
21:1-4 |
139a |
The olivet Discourse - Setting of the discourse |
24:1-3 |
13:1-4 |
21:5-7 |
139b |
The olivet Discourse - Beginning of birth pains |
24:4-14 |
13:5-13 |
21:8-19 |
139c |
The olivet Discourse - Abomination of desolation and subsequent distress |
24:15-28 |
13:14-23 |
21:20-24 |
139d |
The olivet Discourse - Coming of the Son of Man |
24:29-31 |
13:24-27 |
21:25-27 |
139e |
The olivet Discourse - Signs of nearness but unknown time |
24:32-41 |
13:28-32 |
21:28-33 |
139f |
The olivet Discourse - Five parables to teach watchfulness an faithfulness |
24:42-25:30 |
13:33-37 |
21:34-36 |
139g |
The olivet Discourse - Judgment at the Son of Man's coming |
25:31-46 |
139h |
Jesus' daily routine during Passion Week |
21:37-38 |
140 |
Plot by the Sanhedrin to arrest and kill Jesus |
26:1-5 |
14:1-2 |
22:1-2 |
141 |
Mary's anointing of Jesus for burial |
26:6-13 |
14:3-9 |
12:2-8 |
142 |
Judas' agreement to betray Jesus |
26:14-16 |
14:10-11 |
22:3-6 |
143 |
Preparation for the Passover meal |
26:17-19 |
14:12-16 |
22:7-13 |
144 |
Beginning of the Passover meal and dissension among the disciples over greatness |
26:20 |
14:17 |
22:14-16 |
145 |
Washing the disciples' feet |
13:1-20 |
146 |
Identification of the betrayer |
26:21-25 |
14:18-21 |
22:21-30 |
13:21-30 |
147 |
Prediction of Peter's denial |
26:31-35 |
14:27-31 |
22:31-38 |
13:31-38 |
148 |
Conclusion of the meal and the Lord's Supper instituted |
26:26-29 |
14:22-25 |
22:17-20 |
149 |
Questions about his destination, the Father, and the Holy Spirit answered |
14:1-31 |
150a |
The vine and the branches |
15:1-17 |
150b |
Opposition from the world |
15:18-16:4 |
150c |
Coming and ministry of the Spirit |
16:5-15 |
150d |
Prediction of joy over his resurrection |
16:16-22 |
150e |
Promise of answered prayer and peace |
16:23-33 |
151 |
Jesus' prayer for his disciples and all who believe |
17:1-26 |
152 |
Jesus' three agonizing prayers in Gethsemane |
26:30, 36-46 |
14:26, 32-42 |
22:39-46 |
18:1 |
153 |
Jesus betrayed, arrested, and forsaken |
26:47-56 |
14:43-52 |
22:47-53 |
18:2-12 |
154 |
First Jewish phase, before Annas |
18:13-14, 19-23 |
155 |
Second Jewish phase, before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin |
26:57, 59-68 |
14:53, 55-65 |
22:54a, 63-65 |
18:24 |
156 |
Peter's denials |
26:58, 69-75 |
14:54, 66-72 |
22:54b-62 |
18:15-18, 25-27 |
157 |
Third Jewish phase, before the Sanhedrin |
27:1 |
15:1a |
22:66-71 |
158 |
Remorse and suicide of Judas Iscariot |
27:3-10 |
159 |
First Roman phase, before Pilate |
27:2, 11-14 |
15:1b-5 |
23:1-5 |
18:28-38 |
160 |
Second Roman phase, before Herod Antipas |
23:6-12 |
161 |
Third Roman phase, before Pilate |
27:15-26 |
15:6-15 |
23:13-16, 18-25 |
18:39-19:16a |
162 |
Mockery by the Roman soldiers |
27:27-30 |
15:16-19 |
163 |
Journey to Golgatha |
27:31-34 |
15:20-23 |
23:26-33a |
19:16b-17 |
164 |
First three hours of crucifixion |
27:35-44 |
15:24-27, 29-32 |
23:33b-34, 38, 35-37, 39-43 |
19:18, 23-24, 19-22, 25-27 |
165 |
Last three hours of crucifixion |
27:45-50 |
15:33-37 |
23:44-45a, 46 |
19:28-30 |
166 |
Witnesses of Jesus' death |
27:51-56 |
15:38-41 |
23:45b, 47-49 |
167a |
Certification of Jesus' death and procurement of his body |
27:57-58 |
15:42-45 |
23:50-52 |
19:31-38 |
167b |
Jesus' body placed in a tomb |
27:59-60 |
15:46 |
23:53-54 |
19:39-42 |
168 |
The tomb watched by the women and guarded by the soldiers |
27:61-66 |
15:47 |
23:55-56 |
169 |
The tomb visited by the women |
28:1 |
16:1 |
170 |
The stone rolled away |
28:2-4 |
171 |
The tomb found to be empty by the women |
28:5-8 |
16:2-8 |
24:1-8 |
20:1 |
172 |
The tomb found to be empty by Peter and John |
24:9-12 |
20:2-10 |
173 |
Appearance to Mary Magdalene |
16:9-11 |
20:11-18 |
174 |
Appearance to the other women |
28:9-10 |
175 |
Report of the soldiers to the Jewish authorities |
28:11-15 |
176 |
Appearance to the two disciples traveling to Emmaus |
16:12-13 |
24:13-32 |
177 |
Report of the two disciples to the rest |
24:33-35 |
178 |
Appearance to the ten assembled disciples |
16:14 |
24:36-43 |
20:19-25 |
179 |
Appearance to the eleven assembled disciples |
20:26-31 |
180 |
Appearance to the seven disciples while fishing |
21:1-25 |
181 |
Appearance to the Eleven in Galilee |
28:16-20 |
16:15-18 |
182 |
Appearance to James, Jesus' brother |
183 |
Appearance to the disciples in Jerusalem |
24:44-49 |
184 |
Christ's parting blessing and departure |
16:19-20 |
24:50-53 |